Thanks so much for following along with Amie’s four-part interview with Jamie Cat Callan. And Jamie, thank YOU for such awesome insight!
Without further ado, let’s jump right in to Amie’s last four questions for Jamie.
How do you define beauty? Beauty begins in the mind. Beauty happens when a woman celebrates her individuality. Think of the artist Frida Kahlo and her wild eyebrows. Perhaps in her time, they were outrageous (and perhaps they still are), but this kind of beauty is timeless and iconic. There is nothing so beautiful as a woman who fearlessly embraces her authentic self. Beauty is the power of a woman who is creative and fearless and truly enjoys living her life, and inspires other to do so too.
What advice would you give to a woman who is struggling with confidence? Take little, tangible steps toward building your confidence. This could mean wearing a beautiful scarf or a pair of high heels. It could mean signing up for a dance class. Or becoming more conscious of your posture. I do believe that it begins in the mind and then translates into the body and that for any woman (big or small), the mind/body connection is the key to confidence. And so, something as simple as becoming more aware of how you hold yourself as you walk out in the world can change up your molecules and begin a true mind/body transformation. My ultimate advice is to walk and be in the world. Hold your head up, shoulders back, and be conscious of your own amazing body. And finally smile. Love the world and the world will love you back.
What is the worst thing a woman can do to herself? The worst thing a woman can do to herself is to give up on herself. Don’t give up! Love yourself. I am also speaking from a mother’s point of view. If you were my daughter, I would say, never give up. Be your beautiful self. You are loved and we want you to be happy.
Where does the French confidence come from? Any pointers for the curvy girl to implement said confidence? Well, speaking of mothers, (and grandmothers) this is where French confidence begins. The French have a long tradition of taking a young girl aside and guiding her to understand and appreciate her own unique style. For an American girl, this might not be possible and there may be complications, but there’s no reason why one cannot find a mentor—an aunt or a good friend or a dear grandmother. We all need someone who cares for us and wants only the best for us. This person might not necessarily know you truly, but they can at the very least, support you on your quest to finding your own beauty style. I do believe that if all of us curvy girls embraced our curves, as well as our style, our special gifts—then we would send a message to the world that we are here and we are lovely and we deserve happiness. And right now, whether you know it or not, you’re an inspiration and a mentor to other women who are struggling, so why not show them that beauty is about being true to yourself, and not being a particular size or height or even age! Rather, let’s get together and throw open the doors to let every woman into this party called Beautiful!